Vet-to-Vet Collaborative Services
Living with a behavior problem and want your vet to help you?
Even without being a patient of ours, you can still access our expertise through our Vet-to-Vet Collaborative Services.
While not the same as a consultation directly with us, teleconsulting can help clients who:
live too far to benefit from our services in person
find our Comprehensive Care services financially prohibitive
really would like to work exclusively with their primary care vet

How it Works
Contact your vet.
Let them know about this service.
Have them come to our website.
Reach out directly to us and schedule your Diagnostic Behavior Consultation.
After your Diagnostic Behavior Consultation is completed, our doctor connects with your doctor to make medical recommendations
You can opt to work with our team on behavioral coaching to support your progress (recommended!)
Your vet makes medical treatment recommendations directly to you.
Please note, that all recommendations are made directly to your primary care veterinarian and they decide, with you, what is best for you and your family. While we may review materials you submit, we do not communicate directly with you about recommendations. If you have concerns or questions about a recommendation, chat with your veterinarian about it. Behavior problems can be complex and while we do the best we can with the information provided to us, additional details could change a recommendation.
Teleconsulting is only available for our feline and canine patients at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I love the idea of this but am going to need some help training my pet too. Any ideas?
A: Yes! We have just the thing! See our Hybrid Program for how we can combine a Teleconsult with behavior modification support.
Q: Why do some people submit videos, a form and trainer notes and others do not?
A: We offer two types of teleconsulting services to our veterinarians. Depending on the structure of their practice, they may only offer some of our services to clients or they may select the most appropriate type of service for your pet. No worries, all teleconsulting services still access the mind of a veterinary behaviorist. You are in good hands!
Q: If I'm asked to submit video, what would you like to see?
A: Submit 3-5 short (< 2 minute) videos demonstrating the behavior problem +/- a tour of the environment it occurs in. The videos should each be labeled with the patients first and last name so we know who its for. Aggressive episodes should not be incited or prolonged just to get a video so if you are unable to collect video that is OK. When you have your videos, request access to a personalized Dropbox folder (by clicking here) where you can upload the videos. Once we have processed the request we will send you an invitation to the folder so you can easily upload the videos.
Q: My patient is in urgent need of help. In what timeline can this happen?
A: We know we have a long wait sometimes for our in person appointments so these teleconsults were designed to get you help fast. How urgently we can get you help depends not only on our schedule but on your veterinarians schedule as well so no promises can be made but, barring holidays, generally we are able to sort things out within a week or two. Now, if your vet asks you to submit paperwork or provide any information, then do so quickly so the processing of the teleconsult is not delayed! Your vet may communicate a date by which all your material needs to be in (yup, you got homework!) - please do so so we have the most complete picture we can when its time for us to make recommendations.
Q: What you recommended is not working! What do we do??!
A: Let your veterinarian know you need a tweak to your plan. Treatment success is not guaranteed. Behavioral medicine commonly involves treatment trials, tweaking plans and troubleshooting. The level of information we are able to communicate via teleconsult is limited and some patients require more complicated or finessed plans. Medications, supplements, diet changes, management and behavioral therapies work in combination to effect change and if one piece of the puzzle isn't succeeding then we can see lack of progress. Not all patients respond to treatments the same. We do our best to provide your veterinarian with straight forward advice and options when needed based off the information we have at the time of the consult. If something is not working, the case may need direct individualized attention and we recommend you come in for an assessment. ​
(Veterinarians: click here for your side of things)